The Kraken, a sentient cosmic entity, has been enslaved and technologically enhanced by the Far Horizon Collective. This formidable being is capable of massive destruction and is almost impossible to stop. Bringing it to the battlefield will take a staggering collection of resources. If you can control it, there will be few obstacles to victory.
The Kraken's discovery was accidental, stemming from a teleportation experiment that tragically led to the researchers' alleged suicides. Its mysterious emergence near Neptune bewildered all but the Far Horizon Collective. Their Scientist-Priests soon captured and weaponized the young Kraken for war. This discovery has deeply impacted humanity, inciting awe, and dread. Seen by some as a deity, feared by others as a harbinger of more cosmic entities, the Kraken stands as humanity's most formidable weapon, promising profound consequences upon its deployment.